With Planado you can create jobs for all kind of tasks. In web-application dispatcher creates and distributes jobs among workers. Workers can see jobs in their mobile application and begin to work on them. Planada allows workers and dispatcher to keep in touch by giving dispatcher access to view job progress at any time.
Before creating the job, you should add new workers and make sure they are allowed to complete jobs in mobile application.
Jobs are created with template - preconfigured form. You can use default set of templates. But if you want to create you own, check our article Job template.
You can create jobs on pages Schedule, Jobs and Addresses
Create job in the schedule
Open Schedule page to see all assignees timelines.
In the schedule you can see only workers with permission to complete jobs in mobile application. If you don't see some workers, make sure they have permissions.
By clicking on any timeline with right mouse button you will open context menu and select template for new job. Click with right mouse button on specific time and choose template. In this example we chose time 12:00 am and template «Delivery».
You will see a new window where you can enter all the needed information about the job. This informaton will be displayed to assignee in his mobile application. Available fields can be created and configured in the job template, but each job nevertheless has following default main fields:
- Type - classify jobs by using types. Read more in the article Job types;
- Description - add short description about the job for the assignee to see;
- Scheduled at - enter date and time when job should be started;
- Duration - enter planned duration required to complete the job;
- Assignee - set specific worker to complete the job. He is the only one who will be able to see this job in the mobile application. Because we are creating job on worker timeline, this field will be already filled.
- Client - choose one of the existing clients from your list.
- Address - enter address using search or map with coordinated. If client you selected already has address, this field will filled automatically.
- Contacts - phone numbers assignee can use to contact client.
You can also add external identification to your job. To do this, open context menu with additional settings and click on Add external id.
Job window will have new field where you can input custom external id.
After you're done with all the fields, click on Add button. Job will appear on the assignee timeline. If you need to edit this job again, you can double click on it in the timeline or select it in the menu on the left and click on edit button.
Create job in the Jobs page
Open Jobs page. Here you can see the list of all jobs, apply filters and sort them. You can read more about this page in the article Job page.
Click on Add job button and choose one of the templates to open job creation window.
After filling all the field, click on Add button. New job will appear in the list.
Create job in the list of all clients and sites
Open Addresses page. Here you can see the list of yours clients and sited. If you want to know how to add more clients to this list, see our article Create client.
Open any client to edit his information. Under the edit window, you can see list of all jobs for this client. To create new job for this client, click on Add job button and select template.
Because you're creating a job in the specific client page, you won't have to fill in his address and contact.
After you enter all the infomation in the job form, click on Add button. Job will appear in the list of all jobs for this client.
Once you create the job, it will appear in the mobile application of the worker you chose in the Assignee field in the job.
If you want to learn more aboult completing jobs, read article Completing jobs in the mobile application.
If you want job to appear in the mobile application for assignee, job must have date and time to start the job.
To learn more about editing and adding new fields to the job, read about Job templates.
If you need any help, leave us a ticket or write to our email address: support@planadoapp.com.