In the template you can add fields for additional information about completed jobs. These fields are used for report that can be filled in the mobile application by assignee.
Click on the Add report field button in the template and pick the type of field:
- Photo, to save photographs of objects using phone camera;
- Text for text input, for example, assignee can use it to write model of equipment or commentaries about job;
- Checkbox with Yes/No answers, for example to mark if there was service lift at the clients address;
- Pick list, if you want assignee to pick one of the presented options (pick lists with all the options you need must be created beforehand in the menu Settings → Pick lists);
- Action, in other words flag («check mark»).
- Barcode to scan QR codes with phone camera. Once code will be scanned, this field will have text information.
Any of the fields can be set as required: without it assignee won't be able to choose successful resolutions for a job.
Let's say you need to see photograph of the initial object, figure out where did client find you company, and to get commentary about upcoming job from the assignee. Add field with Photo type, give it a name and make it required one: click on Required check box on the right from the field. out where did client
Options about places where did client find out about your company is better to keep in the pick lists. In the menu Settings → Pick lists create a list with all the needed values.
Now in the template you can add Pick list field as well as choose which list to use in this field.
For additional commentaries add field Text.
Order of fields in the template also sets order in the report window in mobile application. If you want to change order, drag and drop using line on the left from the field and move it to new place.
Click on the Save button.
Assignee will use created fields in the template to fill the report in the mobile application.
Operator will see updated by assignee report fields in the web-application.
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