Possible reason
Template was not set
Set a templates for Scheduled job and En route messages in the corresponding field of general settings (SettingsGeneralGeneral).
Substitution in the template has errors
In template check if substitutions don't have any errors: no misspellings, right amount of opening and closing brackets.
Client phone number was not set or has errors
Make sure that contact primary phone number in the job Phone field is correct: number must be in the E.164 format (for example, in Russia — 79268954632).
Job status wasn't changed to En route
Press on En route button in mobile application or click En route and then Save in the job edit window in the web-application.
Job was created after message send out hour
If job was created after send out time you set in Send out scheduled job messages at this hour field, SMS-notification won't be send to client. Please, schedule jobs before this time.
Amount of messages in subscription plan has reached maximum
If you ran out of all available in your subscription plan SMS messages (amount of send and available SMS can be seen in the settings of SMS-notification Settings GeneralGeneral), please contact Planado technical support.
Mobile operator of the client is in another country
SMS-notification work in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. To send message in other countries please contact Planado technical support.

To learn more about configuring SMS-notification read out article Configuring SMS-messages.

If you need any help, leave us a ticket or write to our email address: support@planadoapp.com.