You can connect numerous workers in one team. Teams, just like single workers, can be assigned to jobs.
To assign a team to a job, you simply have to pick them in the Assignee field when you create or edit a job.
Teams just like other workers can be seen in the schedule.
You can set members of the team, and assign one foreman for them.
Only foreman can edit report and complete job. Other workers in the team can only view information about the job, they can't edit any fields in the report, start and finish the job.
If worker is not a foreman - he can edit job, not finish it, even if he has a permission to complete jobs in the mobile application. All the actions with the jobs assigned to teams can be done only by team foreman.
One worker can be at the same time:
- separate assignee for jobs, in other words he can complete jobs assigned directly to him;
- foreman of one or more teams with permission to complete jobs assigned to his teams;
- member of one or more teams with permission to only view main information of the jobs assigned to his teams.
Members of a team can use Planado for free. Paid access is required only for foreman.
To learn more about creating teams and working with them, read our article Create and edit teams.
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