Resolution — is a result of a finished job. Resolution can be successful and unsuccessful. Worker picks one of the available resolutions when he finishes the job in the mobile application.
If worker sets that job was completed successfully, Planado will automatically pick Completed resolution in the web-application.
If job wasn't completed successfully, assignee can pick reason why and leave a commentary.
Resolutions, that can be used to close the job, can be set in the job template.
List of all possible resolutions can be edited in the menu Settings → Resolutions. Green color are successful resolutions, while red are unsuccessful.
Click on Add resolution button and enter resolution name.
Choose if resolution will be successful or unsuccessful, as well as can assignee enter any note during closure.
Notes can be used in any unsuccessful resolution. But if in resolution you will mark Note required - assignee will have to leave a note in order to close the job with this resolution.
Click on Save button. New resolution will appear in the list and you'll be able to use it in job templates.
You can delete resolutions you don't use in neither templates or jobs. Find it in the list and click on delete button.
Name of the resolution in the list will be crossed.
To confirm deletion, click on the Save button.
Two default resolutions — Completed and Not completed — can't be deleted or edited.
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